By Matt Burr

A couple of weeks ago, I helped a neighbor cut down some trees, five to be exact. They were the mature, large, gnarly type that have been around for a couple of decades and have a lot of unique character. Although I have an active lifestyle, father time caught up with me on this one. It was the end of the first day of working that I realized there was something different about the condition of my right shoulder. I powered through day two of our wood harvesting project only to realize my situation was not improving. Several weeks later, I found myself taking a different direction. Instead of plowing ahead and hoping for the best while still abusing the injured site, I have taken time to seek knowledgeable people who were gifted in guiding me on my next steps.

Learning a new language can be very challenging, however, there are some with less exceptions and rules to follow. provides some understanding between two closely connected English words.

* Counsel – noun advice, especially that given formally.
Similar: advice, guidance, direction, instruction, information
Verb give advice to (someone)

* Council – noun an advisory, deliberative, or legislative body of people formally constituted and meeting regularly.
Similar: board, committee

Counsel can be used as a noun or verb. The guidance or direction that someone gives can be received (noun), maybe through a mentorship or from a council of people. Giving counsel takes action! God is always working, moving, creating, nurturing, developing, pushing, and growing because he wants to use His people. He continues to use our life experiences as an opportunity for us to honor His kingdom.

How about you? Have you ever found yourself hitting a roadblock, a challenge that made things more difficult? Circumstances change or the routine interrupted? Questioning the source of counsel? Proverbs 3:13 states “Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding”. Jesus is the great physician. He can transform our mindset, adjust our focus, or reveal light to a situation that we just haven’t been able to see clearly. As I carefully selected the counsel of trusted people for my shoulder, I was reminded of who I can call upon for the ultimate source of wisdom and understanding, our Counselor. “God, help me to slow down and rely on you each day. Take me deeper in your presence and grant revelation as needed. Lord, fill me with your wisdom and understanding. Allow it to be woven into my heart. I seek you Father!”

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